Sunday, July 27, 2008


I put 30 minutes on the treadmill late Friday afternoon, minding the little FAs while Mrs. FA ran in the Park. The calf still feels tight, so am resting it until Monday night, when I plan to get out after work. far I've swapped the storm windows for screens, cut the grass, ran an errand up to Charlotte, did the grocery shopping and cooked a BBQ dinner. Today we rowed across Lincoln Pond for an island picnic. It's been a great weekend, but it don't feel like resting. HUGE thunderstorms all last night blew out the heat and humidity, so it's a beautiful day in the Champlain Valley. Later, boys.


Agricola said...

yeah, it's funny how resting is really all about working. I wonder if it's a particularly American phenomenon to work as rest.

Nice to hear that a t-storm finally wiped out the heat and humidity -- it's not been happening too much around here. Lately big boomers around here are only making it more humid -- though last night it was cool post t-storms.

VT Runner said...

It's amazing how localized the weather is up here with the various mountain ranges. We had no action late Saturday night. Instead, we had a brief, but violent, storm for about 30 minutes late Saturday afternoon and nothing else. The evening was gorgeous after as things calmed down and cooled off -- like you described.

On the calf, rest and hydration. It will heal itself if you're patient.

Steve DiMattia said...

The National Weather Service broke into the VPR broadcast I was listening to about 5:30pm Sat, cooking dinner, and described "violent winds," "deadly lightening," and "torrential rain" moving in a line across VT like Sherman through Georgia. Don;t know if it was the same storm, but a storm that met the NWS description opened up about 10 minutes later, with a lightening strike in my neighbor's yard. It raged for about 20 minutes, then moved off. Far off thunder and lightening continued until about 3:00am. I haven't seen a storm like that in over a year.

VT Runner said...

Same storm. Sounds like it slammed you a little harder, but the timing is right.