Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Run 14

Ran for three miles last night, took me 35 minutes. To Agricola's remark that I run at this distance for a while and then work on going longer, or moving faster, I'm thinking that I may focus on the latter.

It was the coolest it's been in NYC since I started running, which was on June 27, with temps in the high 70s. Humidity was still high, though.


Agricola said...

Nice job dude. I love the titles, simple, short to the point and a nice record of progress.

I'll get back out there and run -- I'm just in the midst of 10-12 hour days right now and trying to maximize time with the family -- something has to give.

Keep it up, you're inspiring me.

Steve DiMattia said...

You can only do what you can do.

I plan to do a retrospective at Run 20.

The little FAs stay with Gammy and Poppy tonight, so Mrs. FA and I have a rare opportunity to run together, outside. Watch for the post.