Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another run on a beautiful fall night

A cool night. The air is crisp - just the way I like it and I started out well. The training on the treadmill definitely helped me keep a quicker pace tonight, but half way through the run, my legs were sore. I kept at it and finished with 4.3 miles in 38 minutes.
Just plugging away.

A - found two runners tonight.


Agricola said...

Pain is weakness leaving you body!

Nice work on finding the other runners. SO we now at least have 4 . . . as I said, I can take a shot at the first two legs if need be -- though I fear team Pain = Transcendence will be winning no medals. I also fear that there will be more pain than maybe transcendence . . . I hope that everybody gets the irony in the team name.

I believe that there is a pain to transcendence correlation, but sometimes lots of pain just means lots of pain. Let's talk Saturday PR and coordinate -- I'm going to need to grab numbers Sunday AM so it looks like dawn patrol!

PhatRunner said...

A- Found one more runner. All three are women and I don't really have ringer, so transcendence might be out of the question, just pain to go all around. I think if we meet up at 6:15 at my house, I will drive from there. You can grab the numbers Sunday AM. I will need a cost for the other folks. I will grab the 6 if necessary. Let's see what everyone else offers up.

Talk to you tonight or tomorrow.
