Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Visit and Run with Agricola

The men were actually able to coordinate the Agricola and Phatrunner families without the wives being involved. A good time was had by the kids and better halves and Phatty and Agricola got out for a 31 minute run. Agricola is in much better shape and was able to hold a conversation throughout while my breathing became more and more labored. Hats off to Agricola for staying committed and he finished off the run with a very nice sprint. I have some work to do.

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Agricola for a wonderful afternoon and a great dinner. Have a great Columbus Day!

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Oh yeah, we coordinated that thing! Ha, I forgot that great part.

It was a great day, our kids get along nicely, it was very fun.