Wednesday, June 23, 2010

9 in the steam

I set out to do a 7 miler at a quick pace and it just didn't work out that way. I tried a different route so I was ballparking the distance. When I left the house it was still overcast, humid but reasonably cool, and puddles were everywhere due to last night's downpour. The first few miles were slow - mile 1 was 8:02 and that was the last time I looked at my watch.

I was still really tight from either TKD or Sunday's 5k, I'm not sure, but I never really hit that proper stride. About 45 min into the run the sun came out and I felt like a package of Stop & Shop broccoli that was steaming in the microwave.

Final distance turned out to be 8.85 mi according to mapmyrun, so I overshot by a bit and my time 1:21:52, slightly over 9 min/mile was not great. So a bit of a grind. In fact, it's been two weeks since I've had one of those sublime runs that feel great start to finish. I X this run off my training sheet and look forward to tomorrow.

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