Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I did 30 minutes at about 6:45AM today, and it was already hot and humid. I'm all for the heat, so I won't complain too much, but I will note that having 100% humidity before 7AM is tough. Still, glad I got in the minutes. No wildlife sightings today. They were probably all keeping cool somewhere up higher.


Agricola said...

Good for you man!

I spaced and forgot that I had a 8:30 meeting which means a 7:43 train which means I just plain had no time to get out this AM even with waking up at 6:20 . . . tomorrow and tomorrow . . .

Steve DiMattia said...

Its 200 degress in midtown, and I'm a suit. (Ha. I'm reminded of the immortal words of Norm Petersen, "It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing milkbone underwear.") Heading to camp tomorrow night, boys, so I'll be blog-quiet for a while, not that I've been that active lately. Looking forward kicking off my relay training when I'm back on Jun 23, with lots of walkling, per Agricola's counsel. Peace.