Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Random thoughts

Just returned from a 40 minute run. It's the first time in a long time that I've run two days in a row. Feels good.

I had a few random thoughts/observations while out on the roads...

- We don't run because we feel good, we run because we want to feel good. It's an important distinction because motivation in the moments before heading out the door is almost always an issue. It occured to me that if we all waited until we felt like it, we might never run. In that sense, running is kind of a means to an end, luckily the journey to that end is usually fun, too (at least after the first 10 to 15 minutes).
- Saw a full water bottle on a stump on the side of the road today. This was a very low traffic dirt road through the woods. I didn't see any other runners out there today, but it was cool to know that somewhere nearby, someone was in the middle of a long run and would be striding by soon, releived to have made it to their next water stop. It's all about community, you know?
- Running clears the head. I'm in the midst of a job search and things can get muddled as I figure out the next step. The run always brings at least one, discrete action item or goal to the fore. Very glad that I'm back at it.

That's all from here. Later boys.


Agricola said...

I enjoyed these deep thoughts. Running is a means to an end and the ends are different for everybody, but I agree with you -- it makes you feel good, clears the head all that good stuff.

I've thought about stashing bottles but don't trust people not to mess with them!

I've had a hectic week this week and am off the road more than I want to be -- I'm definitely missing my runs and their ends!

PhatRunner said...

Great thoughts on running. I love those days when you grumpily hit the pavement and somewhere in the middle of the run, something smacks you out of your funk. You look up and realize life is going on around you and you are part of it in all of its glory. Your run just became fun. I think there is nothing better than when you have hit the road really hard and later, you are hanging out with people, your muscles ache a little, and you are just satisfied with the world.