Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good Read

Despite missing my window this morning I'm still going to post. This is a good blog post from Dean Karnaze's blog about a run he's done across the Gobi Desert . . .

It's about the experiential nature of running and just being in the moment, embracing the run and the setting. It's a good read.

Notes From The Edge


VT Runner said...

Great link. I liked the section that started with, "That said, after a few days of misery and suffering, a startling transformation took place." Substitute a "few days" with "a few minutes or hours", and we've all been there. It's one of the great moments of any physical activity. What's cool to me is that I usually experience the transformation in hindsight. I tend to go through a rough spot to a zone out before finding myself "in the zone." I might be day-dreaming about my surroundings, putting together a master plan...whatever. Doesn't matter where I am, only that I'm beyond the run and fully in it at the same time.

Anyway, thanks Agricola for the link. Cool to be able to relate to someone who's at the apex of the sport.

Agricola said...

Yes, I hear you -- that moment in the run where it's effortless -- you jut feel the motion and not much else is amazing.

you're right, when that moment comes, when you give yourself over to the run, it's the same for all runners whether they reach the moment in a few day, hours or minutes the experience is pretty universal.