Friday, June 13, 2008


Got in a morning run today and worked a bit on "speed" (it's all relative, you know). I was able to take a solid 3 minutes off my 3 mile time with negative splits for the out and back. It was a tough run, but it felt good to test myself a bit. The next test will be to up the distance more consistantly.

Wildlife update -- saw a deer cross the road behind the car today. It bounded effortlessly over 3 foot high grass. So graceful....Now that I think of it, it's like nature was saying, "This is how we do speed in this 'hood. Watch and learn, sucka."

Later, boys.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Cool. No deer in my hood today -- though I have seen them around.

I saw a gold finch, a purple finch and a mockingbird today, that's about the extent of my wildlife encounters on today.