Tuesday, June 24, 2008


S'up, boys.

Got new running shoes today.

Went to Jackrabbit's, on 14th Street. Had my gait analyzed.

Wearin' em now.



VT Runner said...

Cushy, I bet.

Gotta love gear.

Steve DiMattia said...

Super cush. Love the gear.

Agricola said...

I was going to check in with you and see where you were with this. Good for you!

So, what make, model, color?
what's the story with your gait?
Out with the details?

Steve DiMattia said...

ASICS. Cumulous 10. White, with black and red highlights.

I borderline over-pronate, but I have neutral shoes, as the border will likely be reinforced by stronger calves. I tried 6 or 7 different pairs, and ran in all of them, before choosing the first pair I tried on.

Funny thing, Ms. FA and I went together, but tried our shoes separately. At the end of the day we selected the same brand and model. Hers are smaller.

Agricola said...

Nice. I started running in Asics, and switched to New Balance a few years ago. I think I ran in the cumulous as well, but can't remember.

I pronate somewhat as well, and wear a shoe with a pretty stiff roll-bar in the heel to provide support.

Have fun

VT Runner said...

I also run in the Cumulus. I made the switch from Brooks only after they discontinued my model. It's funny how running shoes are really, truly all about the fit. Mine could be day-glo yellow, and I wouldn't care. I'm sticking with what works until they stop working or Asics changes the shoe too much.

FreeArtist, I loved the "Hers are smaller" line from your comment. Classic.