Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I ran directly from my house this afternoon, which means I had to tackle a steep quarter-mile hill. Definitely a test. The run went well, and it felt good to be back on my old route again. Not much else to report.


Agricola said...

Ooh, I know that hill, that's a nasty one . . .

Good for getting out.

I missed a beautiful day because I stayed up until 2:15 this morning watching post-game coverage etc. of the Celtics' impressive win.

I got sucked into the last half of Resolved, a documentary about HS debaters who do the really fast flow form of debate. It was interesting, but it blew my schedule.

VT Runner said...

I saw Resolved earlier in the week. Interesting stuff.

Awesome, dominating win for the Celts. Man, did it feel good to have some glory restored, and to see how respectful the current crew is of the Celt's legacy.