Sunday, May 18, 2008

Last Weekend

Alright, so this was my last weekend. I went for 5+ Saturday, and 1:45 today -- probably in the neighborhood of 12ish, though I'm not sure. I felt OK both days but I have to admit, I really think I'm under-trained for this event. All in all though today went pretty well except for the serious tightness in my left hip flexor -- it was killing me for the better part of the run and I stopped about 15 minutes from the end and stretched it out and finished pretty strong. I've had much tightness and soreness in that muscle for the better part of this training course and it's actually been making me feel like I'm not ready.

The feeling is different than fatigue -- it's just out-and-out sore and super tight. Well, whatever, next Sunday is it, I'll take a few more easy runs this week, hydrate as much as possible over the next several days and probably do some stretching to stay limber and try and fight off this hip flexor thing.

Thanks for the support, boys. I make no promises about next week except that I'll be on the starting line and run as much as I can, and when it's all over, I'll be drinking some beers at VTR's house Sunday night.


Steve DiMattia said...

Stay loose, running man. See you this weekend.

VT Runner said...

You're on the home stretch. Nice work!