Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Short Distances

I snuck out last night for a quickie, round and round the Park Drive. I haven't exceeded 18 miles since my new cycling year began a few weeks ago, and I am starting to jones for a longer ride, particularly as I've started to use a dromedary bag for my water supply. I am drinking much more than when I carried water in bottles. Anyway, I expect Memorial Day weekend will likely be my next best opportunity for a 30+miler, so I am starting to plan for that. No numbers today...I didn't wear my heart rate monitor last night, and my distance/time/av speed is on the on-board computer at home...but I don't want to slow my blog momentum!

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Nice. It's all about momentum, in both training and blogging.

It's great to have some other voices besides mine and VTR's up here.