Saturday, May 3, 2008

yes, I s*ck, but not today

I'm posting this for FA, it was originally written on 4/20/08. -- Agricola

Gents, just took the bike out for a shortyin CP, my first ride of 2008. (As interminable as my late fall/winter/early spring slothfullness became, I cling to this scrap of pride: I NEVER hung laundry on the bike!) Anyway, my first stats for the news season read like I've got work to do:

Distance: 11.35 miles
Time: 43.53 minutes
Av Speed: 15.5 mph
Av HR: 152 bpm
Mx HR: 176 bpm (The Great Hill)
669 Calories burned

So, I caught up on the April posts, VTR's injury, Ag's Sherman-esque run through ATL. Saw the Agricolae last weekend and heard an idle thought from Ag that the blog might shut down. That would be too bad.

The BTV Marathon is May 25. Don't know if our plans are for PH that weekend but if so, we'll aim to root for Ag from the sidelines, maybe with the VTRs?

I've blown being in any kind of shape for the Montauk Century, but am looking for alternatives later in the summer. I'm open to suggestions. VTR, is cycling in the rehab plan? If so, let's look for a Saturday morning in May / June and do a section of the champlain bikeway.

It feels good to blog again, to get out and break a sweat, to look forward to another ride. Feels good to catch up with you both.



Agricola said...

Keep going! Keep going!

VT Runner said...

Awesome to have you back.

I'm up for any type of training. I wouldn't want to push the cycling until say June 1, but after that, I'm open. With running pretty much out lately, I've turned to swimming, so I'm considering doing a sprint (aka short) triathlon this summer. Even without that, I want to get back on the bike.

Glad to see that we're coming out of the woodwork.

Let's plan something for BTV marathon race day.