Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic

I went out for my third 30 minute run yesterday, and everything felt a-ok with the calf. I'm making myself stay on this regimen another week before adding distance and frequency. Hopefully by that point I'll be out of the woods.


Agricola said...

Nice. Slow and steady wins the race. Good for you for getting out, and starting your program. Embrace the process. Don't push it, you're in no rush.

I've not gotten out this week -- though I've been physically capable of it since probably Wednesday, which is really cool to me. I'll take a short one tomorrow, and, I'm actually contemplating a longer one on Sunday, maybe 10 . . . we'll see.

Good luck, keep on trucking!

VT Runner said...

Thanks man. After you get your post race run under your belt, I'd seriously consider shutting down for a couple of weeks. For brain space even more than physical recovery. Let yourself soak in your success, heal, and really WANT to run again when you start up.

Of course, if you want to run now, and it sounds like you do, who am I to say stop?