Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More Short Distances

Not much to say tonight. It's 69 degrees and clear in New York City. The nice weather must have finally put the zap on my fellow New Yorkers. I've been out in the Park three times in the last four days, and its been more crowded each time. Keeping the hubris bottled up is easy when the bankers and lawyers are out on their bikes in force, in their racing jerseys with I-talian logos, buzzing past at twice my speed. At least I won't fall.

The numbers:

Distance: 12.35 miles
Time: 00.46.48 hours
Av Speed: 15.9 mph (small improvement tonight, I think)
Av HR: 158 bpm
Mx HR: 221 bpm (this must be a fluke...that's weirdly high. My HR has never been above 178-ish)
Calories Burned: 764


1 comment:

Agricola said...

Look out for those Type-A NYC types . . . when I did my two laps around the park back in April there was a bike race going on and those guys were ultra-aggressive and not so friendly. Bikers are a different breed, altogether -- be careful out there and buy some fancy, branded racing shirts so as not to feel scorned.