Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Total Elipse of the Heart

So, I had my first PT appointment this morning for my calf, and I got some good news. It looks like I didn't tear the calf, despite the pop I heard a week and a half ago. The week of rest and stretching helped me out, and now I'm on a program. I did a few minutes on the eliptical trainer (first time on one of those), and I'll go for 30 minutes tomorrow and 45 on Thursday. I have another PT appointment on Friday at which point I hope to be cleared to run.

I have to skip my half marathon this weekend -- too worried about reinjuring the leg -- but I plan on ramping up the miles fairly quickly next week. I'd love to be able to get a long run in by next weekend, April 12. That would put me 6 weeks out from the marathon when there will be no time to dick around or get reinjured, so the motivation to run and stretch should be high. ("Should" being the operable word.)

Anyway, the coolest thing about PT was being six minutes into the eliptical jaunt and thinking, "I'm back." I really felt like I was getting part of my identity back, the running part.

Oh, and happy birthday to Agricola. Welcome to the age of injuries. Keep running and stay young.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

HEy, glad to hear that you're back on it, and that you had someone look at your ankle. Six weeks only . . . ugh. IM thinking more about 8.

We returned from FL this afternoon -- I'll have a post about it tomorrow. It was VERY nice to run the warm weather and I got in 3 runs in the 4 full days we were there. As I said, more on them tomorrow.