Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday 10

Well, I showed some gumption yesterday, got up at 6:20, got dressed and headed out the door for a 10 miler. I did the first half in 44:56. I was going well on the return until a small series of rollers made my legs blowup -- I walked a bit and then stretched. that fixed the problem and I finished the last couple of miles with no problem. The return leg was 45:41 so I just missed the quicker back on my out and back. I feel pretty good today, a bit sore but nothing major -- and I flew to the ATL last night for training for my new gig and didn't arrive at the room until 1:15 Monday AM.

Well, I'm going to run tomorrow morning and take advantage of some of the southland's warmer weather, except that this week in GA and last week in FL (for which I still owe a post, and will do while hanging around the hotel) is that it gets light much later in the mornings than it does in Boston. At home, the sky etc. is bright by 6:40 AM -- the sun isn't up, but daylight has broken. Down here it's still dark, sort of like 5:30 - 6:00 AM dark at 7 AM. It must be the latitude, it's very interesting.

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