Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quick POst

I got rained out yesterday and got out today for 35 minutes. It was a beautiful day and nice to be outside - even if it was chilly. I'm having pace trouble, and going out really hard and I'm not sure what's up with that. Anyway, got out, one more run under the belt, not a bad thing. Back to work -- very busy at the new gig! It's cramping my blog style . . .


VT Runner said...

Nice work getting out. It's crunch time.

Looking forward to hearing about the new job.

Agricola said...

Not much in my tank right now -- I had a gorgeous morning, I was up at 5:55, but I opted to play with Child 2 instead and bailed. I'm pouring a lot of psychic energy into my new gig and it's not leaving me much for the running. I'm enjoying running but hating training. I know it's a mental thing, but I hate having to run. I hate having the marathon over my head, and having the potential of not finishing hanging over my head because despite doing some decent mileage I know, in my heart of hearts, that I'm neither mentally nor physically ready for this endeavor. I've fought off injury, sickness, ennui, general life-tumult and weather; and, honestly, there's nothing left in the tank.

No matter what I do at the end of May -- this is it for me and marathons. I don't have the capacity to do it all, and quite frankly it's not a priority for me. There are other things that are more important, more worthwhile and more enjoyable. My goal now is to continue running a Sunday 10 miler post marathon, and get out for 5 miles 3 times/week, but it's not to train for marathons. It's to do it because I like to run, and it makes me feel good. I'm going to focus on shorter races like Falmouth and running on trails for fun and exploration, but pounding it out for a marathon . . .

VT Runner said...

I hear you. It is a lot, but you have to feel good about how far you've come.

I'm dealing with the "I want what I can't have" issue with running. I'll be on a 15 minute run, three times a week protocol for the next two weeks. Then I get to up it to 20 - 25 minutes for 2 weeks, and then I'll be ready to start training for whatever's next. Just as it gets under your skin to have to run, it gets under mine to have to not run.

Maybe we're both just contrarian. (That's your cue to tell me you're not contrarian.)

Agricola said...

It's not that it gets under my skin to have to run, but rather it gets under my skin to have to train. I'm tending to get overwhelmed with everything that I have to do to train for this race and it saps the fun out of running.

I'm just having trouble balancing everything right now -- much of my mental and emotional reserves are going into setting up my rep at this new gig, and hitting the ground running (so to speak). It will be fine, I've got some time to get in a long run here in the next three weeks and we'll see what happens. It's a balancing act that's out of whack right now. Training for NYC on 04 came at a time of tummult -- we moved from NYC -- and now this one comes at a time where there are tremendous changes afoot in my life. I guess I'm making excuses, but there really is only so much in the tank and I'm sort of plum-tuckered right now. I've definitely come far, and am into the longer runs and enjoy them very much because I like the changes in my body, and in my stamina, and my energy levels. I'm just experiencing a very full-on time in my life right now.

Steve DiMattia said...

Dude. Marriage, kids, job, house/yard, the bigger world around you, etc. You can olny do as much as you can do.