Monday, April 14, 2008

NYC & Atlanta

Friday I did another 45 minutes in Atlanta. It was a good solo run.

Sunday I did about 14 in NYC. I ran from our hotel on 42 St., between 2 & 3 Avenues and did two loops around the park before running back to 42 St. and 5 Ave. I did each loop in a consistent 53 minutes/loop. The first 40 minutes was not so enjoyable but the hour from that point to about 1:40 was awesome while the last 30 was not great, and quite painful. In total I ran for 2:07. I stopped at 1:07 to answer a call of nature -- God Bless the NY Road Runners and their race day porta-potties. I stopped at 1:30, at the base of The Great Hill to stretch because everything was tightening. My first time over GH I stopped because I had forgotten how long that thing is and I was in my forty minutes of blah. All in all, though, the run felt good and I feel pretty good today, not too sore or stiff. There is nothing better for confidence than some long runs. I'm on the road again, still in the ATL, so I'll go out for about 45 minutes tomorrow (Tuesday), as well.

VTR, I'm sorry to hear you're injured and hope you can run the race, but I'm going to to do it no matter what -- I'm into it now! Maybe, even if you don't do the whole thing, and if you don't get into a relay we could a section together -- you could be my pace guy near the end, maybe in the final 10K or whatever. Let's coordinate.

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