Sunday, April 27, 2008

Challenging Run

I ran for about 87 minutes today. It was sort of challenging. MY ankle and my knee were hurting -- the ankle especially. I didn't do 45 minutes yesterday, I worked in my yard for about 2.5 ours instead (cross training).

Three reasons why today's run was tricky:

  1. I didn't do the work in between long runs as I rested my knee.

  2. Yesterday's work sort of gassed me and left little in the tank.

  3. I under-dressed. I should have worn tights it would have helped my legs if they were warm.

I think my knee thing is more muscular than joint -- and I think it's more related to the cold than anything else -- it's not exactly warm out right now.


VT Runner said...

Good for you for getting out. The long runs are key at this point. Stick with it. You're our lone standing, not limping, soldier going into summer.

Agricola said...

Oh, but I am sort of limping . . . my ankle hurts and my knee hurts, I'm not sure what to do or how to proceed, to be honest. It's hard right now.

VT Runner said...

I think I'm on the verge of running again. I did 10 minutes on the eliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill at my last PT session, and I'm pushing it up to 15 and 15 tomorrow at the gym.

It's crazy how much I miss it. On the treadmill (and you know how much I hate the mill), I immediately pushed the pace up to 8.5 and started calculating time until the marathon to see if I could do it. Not possible, but I have the fever, you know?

We should make a plan for that weekend soon. You guys are staying with us, right? It will be a good time.

Agricola said...

Yes, we'd love to stay. let's set up a plan. Thanks!