Monday, February 25, 2008

Running = Running.

So, I finally got out on the road today after a 10 day haitus. Sure, during that time off I did a couple of extreme (read: scary, but cool) hikes in the Alta, UT backcountry, a skate-skiing jaunt, and lots of skiing at altitude, but none of those things are running. And today, I felt what that means.

(I should also mention that I spent 4 days in Vegas. I had one final redeeming Alta day after Vegas and before returning home, and I did my best to "knock the Vegas out of me," but I think Vegas damage stays with you.)

What I learned is that although cross-training activities will keep you fit during off-days/weeks/months, they really are no substitute for running. I eaked out 33 minutes today, and none of it was fun. I checked my watch way too often. I didn't add on an extra loop. It wasn't that I was in pain or fatigued, I was just out of it. It was an interesting observation to me -- Despite keeping (mostly) keeping up with on the exercise front, I lost an edge on the mental side of running.

Who knew you had to exercise your mind to run well?


Agricola said...

I've been waiting for this post -- the VTR post hiatus post -- to see what effect your cross-training had.

Yeah, there's no replacement for miles. I'm back on it tomorrow, for three. I got my butt handed to me last week by some sort of bug that left me aching in every joint, feverish, and generally exhausted. I felt good yesterday. More or less normal today, so tomorrow, it's back at it. I have an admission to make, and I'll do it in tomorrow's post. Welcome back to the east coast.

VT Runner said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling better. I'm glad I finally got out yesterday, especially since we're in a snowstorm now that's supposed to last through tomorrow evening.

Nice hook in your comment. What's the admission? Are you finally coming out? (couldn't resist)