Monday, February 11, 2008

Is That All?

So, I went out for my scheduled eight miler yesterday. I wasn't too amped about it, it was drizzling and cold, and I didn't go to bed early enough on Saturday night, but I went anyway.

As I ran along, it got rainier, and darker, and colder. I was soaked by three miles and considering turning around and just doing a 10K. I carried on. As I got to the point on the run that's about far from home as possible the weather went crazy. The rain poured down, the wind whipped, the sky got even darker and I was thinking to myself "OK, it's all good, I'm chalking up Karma Points for later."

Then, the next thing I knew, the sun broke through, the rain stopped and the wind calmed down. I started thinking to myself that the running karma points are pretty parsimoniously distributed if all I'm going to get out of them is that the back half of my run is dryer and less windy . . . is that all? Apparently that was all I was going to get. The rest of the run was pretty uneventful and I did it much more quickly than I did the first time I ran that distance (72 minutes, versus 88). Of my three long runs so far, I've run in a big snowfall and some funky, weird weather (yesterday was one of the weirdest weather days, ever -- rain, snow, thunder, wind. I'm looking forward to some nice spring days, that's for sure.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Good for you for getting out twice over the weekend. Weather like that will just make the May run that much easier. Nice!