Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Trot

I got out this evening after a phone chat with VTR -- thanks for the call it was good to catch up. I was in my gear, ready to walk out the door and we joked about how VTR could be my excuse to bail, but it was my first day back after Sunday, it felt good and I was jonesing to get out. I went hard and did 3.2 in about 26. The footing was a bit tricky, but not bad. I ran past an accident -- there were police blocking the street and a couple of ambulances . . . I don't really know what happened but it was a big deal, obviously, since half the town's PD was on the scene.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Great chatting last night. How funny that a quick call could've easily derailed a run. LDT-induced derailment by phone would've been too much.