Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Solo Blogger

Torn Ligaments gets major props for keeping his d*ck up and being the solo blogger since the VT City Marathon posts of June 3. Hang tough, dude. I registered for the Adirondack 1/2 again this year, and IF I can get off my behind will start training for it Posts to come.

1 comment:

Torn Ligaments said...

Thanks, just training hard and logging my runs - it really helps me. Being able to fall back on your training as a source of strength went a long, long way in keeping my confidence level high during Sugarloaf. I kept reminding myself that I didn't take shortcuts and prepared the right way. The day before the race I flipped through my spiral notebook where I log my times and distances back to Jan and to see 18 weeks of hard work X'd off was just as rewarding as crossing the finish line. I am taking the same approach for both the Maine Marathon 10/3 and NY 11/7. Good luck with the Adirondack 1/2! Get after it!!