Wednesday, July 14, 2010

13 in the rain

Week 7 training began today with a 13 miler in the wet. I missed yesterday's run but moving forward will do 13 every Wednesday until the week prior to the race. 13 is a good distance and will continue to challenge myself for time on these runs.

I started slowly (38:50) for the first 4.33 and pushed harder on the second loop (36.20) and finished the third lap in 36:15 for a total time of 1:51:25. I was distracted on the first loop, haven't been sleeping well of late and wrestling with the idea of starting a business so more than once I caught myself just cruising on autopilot and had to refocus. The rain and cooler temps were a welcome change from the oppressive heat and humidity of last week.

I have been bothered lately with a dull ache in my left calf that runs along the side of my lower leg, knee to ankle. It's not painful, just nagging. Not sure exactly what it is, perhaps a light strain/pull. Running through it.

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