Monday, November 2, 2009

Still at it

Managed to get 10 runs / 37.3 miles /8:42 pace in for October. Ran the local 5k race a week ago and had much better results than the previous year. Went out 20 seconds slower than the prior year and ended up over 2:30 faster. Official time was 25:02. Took about 15 seconds to get across the start line so I consider my personal lofty goal of under 25 achieved at 24:47. Not sure if the 190+ HR at the end was pushing it too hard, but I didn't croak. Plan is to start running longer routes and up the weekly total...gradually so I don't repeat last years injures. Managed 10k on Friday and 4.5 miles today without any issues. Looking forward to the Turkey Day Trot!

1 comment:

Agricola said...

nice job! that's a nice time on the 5K. Good for. Slow and steady is the way to go. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Haha!