Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Proximity Peer Pressure

Today is a beautiful day, and my schedule is not packed. On paper, it's a perfect day for running, but I didn't want to go.

Rather than feel lame about not running, I convinced myself that I simply didn't have time and headed out to grab some lunch... just as a colleague ran by me. Damn.

She didn't even see me, but still managed to guilt me into running. I changed course, grabbed my stuff, and got in a good 30 minute run.

So, consider this your peer pressure moment and get out there today.

Later boys.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

I missed a lot of nice days. I really need to check this thing more often -- peer pressure is a huge deal. It feels so much easier to get out and run when I knnow you guys are out running and posting up here.
