Sunday, November 15, 2009


What a perfect way to start the day.

I ran into a friend at a local ski and skate sale yesterday, and he expressed an interest in going for a run. He pulled in a couple of other guys, and today at 7:00AM, six of us hit the road for what was supposed to be an easy five miler. Eight hilly miles later (at a too fast, sub-9:00 pace) we finished up. It was a big jump from my previous series of three milers, but it felt great. Running with people was all the difference. It is a good day to be a runner.

Go Pats!


Steve DiMattia said...

Nice. At 7:00a I was hearing a 4-year old voice say, would you watch Cinderalla with me? Thankfully, Ms. FA answered the call, and I ran...back to bed.

Agricola said...

Love the team running thing. I need some locals with whom to run. Everybody is always hurt or lazy (including me) or whatever. Nice run.