Friday, January 8, 2010


I thought a lot about disociation tonight while I ran.
It was dark and cold and snowing lightly. I got in a solid four and felt pretty good.

I thought about a woman who counts her steps/mile (British marathoner, world class, her name escapes me). I tried it and it nearly blew up my run -- it was awful, by the time I got to 70 I was bored and getting increasingly tired. I stopped counting and walked a few steps to shake off the negativity of that experience. Counting steps is not a dissociative trick for me, anyway.

What did work well for me was creating a running haiku, this one is sort of the best one:

Running in the dark
Snow falls upon the pathway
A Fire burns inside

I also posted it to the cherry blossom training site. Actually, it's all I posted over there.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Not feeling the drive to run these days. Too dark in the morning and night for my taste, and lunch isn't working out. I'm sure I'll kick in at some point. In the meantime, I'm appreciating staying connected here, and stockpiling little bits of inspiration.

So know, I'm "participating" even if not blogging much lately.