Sunday, March 1, 2009


Mrs Agricola got super ill in the middle of Saturday night. She was down for the count all day Sunday, so no 15 miler. I need to figure out if I can make it up sometime this week. Last week was a poor training week. I need to go in the AM but the infant (wh0 is now 5 moths old, and needs to stop this) is up 3 times each night and it is wreaking havoc on us. So mornings are hard right now. It's fine, I'll find a way and rebound. Twelve inches of snow on tap for tonight. This winter needs to end.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

I'm with you on the winter front. I'm not absolutely fed up with it, but ready for the daphodils, etc. And for the warmer weather.

I hope Mrs. AG is feeling better. Hang in there with the sleep issues. As I'm sure you know, kids tend to move out of phases just when you finally find a way to adapt to the current one (or when you are about to loose it completely). I'd bet you're right around the corner from more sleepful nights.

Good luck with the runs. Morning is a good call the way days can get away from us all.
