Saturday, March 21, 2009

Run 16; iPod, Part 1

Mrs. FA has been after me to try running with the iPod for about 6 months. So I tried it this morning. (She bought me these ear buds that snuggle into the ear canal, b/c the standard ear buds fall out of my ears when I'm standing still.) Tell you what. I liked it. There was a time during the run when I struggled to keep the buds in my ears, and I gave up on the music for a while before a remedy presented itself. I definatlely felt more focused with my swerve on. I think that for where I'm at right now, the music might keep my head in the run. But I need more data. So I am going to try it again on the next run. I'll post the playlist.

Ran the Reservoir loop again. It's a BEAUTIFUL day in NYC, lots of people running, cycling, power walking, walking dogs, doing their thing, etc. Forgot the watch, so no time today.

Peace, fellas.

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