Friday, March 27, 2009

Much Better

I got out yesterday. It felt much better. My two runs this week really hammered home the importance of rhythm in running. Tuesday was a choppy run and I felt lousy. Thursday had more unbroken stretches and it felt better. There were a few choppy parts and I felt not great. Stopping and starting is hard. I did what I think is a five mile loop, it was a variation on my normal five mile loop. I added in a big climb that I haven't done in maybe two years. The hill was neither as steep nor as long as I remembered it -- a good sign, I think. I saw a group of HS girls out on a track team training run, dogging it. They saw me coming and got all nervous, like I was their coach or something. I was going to tell them to do the miles, but just grinned at them as I ran by. One girl grinned back, she knew I knew what they were up to. Pretty funny.

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