Thursday, March 12, 2009

Runs 12 and 13 - Back to Basics

So here's where I'm at:

I tried to go about 3.5 miles this past Monday evening on a new route. It was tough going. No lungs. Walking. My big take-away was, my 2008 gains have been lost due to my recent erratic running habits, caused by the holidays/winter/my Q1 travel schedule but also by my lack of focus on working around those obstacles. So I decided that I need to go back to the beginning and get my legs, lungs, and most of all, mental toughness-on-the-road back.

So I got out last night on my trusty 5k reservoir loop, and I huffed my way through it in 35+ minutes. I am going to stay on this route and run it regularly until I start to see some progress, as I did when I started this last summer. My next run is Friday night.

Due to a family life scheduling snafu I will not be running the NYRR 8k this weekend. So my next race will be the 10k in May. This is not a bad thing. The 10k will be a stretch distance-goal for me, and I've got some time to ramp up for it.

On the upside, the added daylight in the evening hours is VERY welcome, even if it is still quite chilly.

Peace, fellas.


Bennu Runner said...

I'm in the same boat for slightly different reasons. The injuries may have prevented me from the miles I wanted to run, but I could have cross trained on an ellyptical (sp?) or stationary bike and didn't. Lesson learned.

VT Runner said...

Welcome back. Open arms.

The lull is part of the cycle. Happens to everyone. I like your strong attitude right now. That alone will bring you back quickly.

Agricola said...

sometimes the blocks are actual. sometimes the blocks are mental. working around issues, scheduling etc. is a combo of both. sometimes you need a break. good to see you sticking with it, good to see you working it out and getting back the oomph (both BR and FA). it's a cycle.