Thursday, May 13, 2010


I did not want to go out this morning. My legs felt a bit sore and stiff, and I almost convinced myself that I needed another day off to rest. Instead, I managed to rally and got out for 3. I'm glad I did. I felt as strong as I have in a long time on the back portion of this out and back. I was able to stretch out my stride and felt somewhat fast for the first time in a while. It's cool when running throws you that kind of curve ball.


Agricola said...

good work, heading out this AM for a handful.
I hear what you say about feeling fast -- I was thinking about that on yeserday's short run -- at this point in the training I never feel fast, my legs are in endurance mode, not speed mode. Looking forward to mem day and being done and moving on to the next race/challenge.

Good luck this weekend David!

Torn Ligaments said...

Thanks Ted! I'm excited. I've studied the course and since I've trained on hills I feel confident that I'm poised for a good day. Lots of PB's have been set at Sugarloaf so if I respect the terrain and play it smart I expect positive results.

VT - some of my very best and most memorable runs have happened on those days I didn't want to lace them up and go. But I did. I've journaled all of my runs since late Dec and on Thurs Feb 25th I felt the same as you did but rallied and went out in a deluge and did 7 miles in 1:00:21. That was nearly an 8.5 min mile (a personal best then) as I shaved 3 min off my previous 7 mile time from a week earlier. Runs like that will get me though the grind at mile 24 on Sunday, and when you hit a rough patch at VT City you can always recall the moment you went from 'I don't feel like it' to 'I'll do it anyway.' Little psychological boosts like those can be such difference maker when you are digging deep for some late race motivation.