Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Howdy all,

I have been working out on and off for the past few months, but I have to kick my training into high gear. P90x yesterday morning and then today a 3 mile bike followed by a 3 mile run in order to prepare for the Timberman Sprint Triathalon in August. My legs felt like lead after the transition and lets just say my running time was not great, but no worries as I kept my HR at 170 and I felt okay. Also have a contest going on here, from beginning of June to beginning of September, winner takes $100 from each of the contributing members. Should be fun and a good goal. Congrats to Torn Ligaments for really burning up the track. Nice work!
Hope you all are well!

Keep on running. I read way more than I post, but you all are an inspiration and a constant reminder for me to get up off the couch and do something. So thank you for the motivation.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Glad you're out there again bro. I'd seriously wait on bike/run bricks, there's no need to do it now. Bike and run for a bit and then add them together closer to race day -- why suffer and feel lousy. bring the muscles back into form and then punish them later -- it's really just to get used to the feeling of going from biking to running and it really only takes about 2-3 bricks to get there -- that's the beauty of the sprint and super sprint tris to me. Fun, easy, not a crazy thing to train for. rock on.