Monday, May 10, 2010

Rain, what rain?

I had the pleasure of running 20 miles with AG on Saturday AM. About 8 of it was dry. The remaining 12 was extremely wet, like yellow and orange on the radar wet. We slogged through it, stretched a fair bit and emerged triumphant at the Hatch Shell. Along the way we climbed Heartbreak Hill, passed Harvard and BU's boathouses, and caught up on each other's lives. It was a great run, even better for knowing that neither one of us would have ventured out without the other. That's my last long run of this training session. I got in a 3 miler today to stretch things out before more bad weather rolls in tomorrow, and I felt good. Not too tight and generally strong.

Feels good to be on the wind down, and to have passed the last real test with a good friend.


Agricola said...

it was so great! Like you said, no one can ever take that run away from us -- that's one for the books that we'll never forget. Total team effort.
Thanks for coming out!

Torn Ligaments said...

Very nice work gentlemen - that run is a great test of will.