Monday, November 12, 2007

Veterans' Day Weekend

I got in two nice runs Friday and Sunday evenings, sandwiched around a day of manual labor on Saturday. I was scheduled for a run on Friday AM but I got a wicked headache on the way home Thursday night and was feeling the residuals on Friday morning. I laid low, went to work and then bailed early. Mrs. Agricola had a meeting Friday afternoon and when I got home we had a baby sitter staying with the kids so I took advantage of that situation and got in a good four miler at around 4:45 PM. I felt really good and enjoyed my trot -- covering the distance in 32:57.

I raked and mowed my yard on Saturday and that was a couple of hours of good solid work -- it was my first yard work since building our patio in October.

Sunday I took the kids out for the day -- a Boston Adventure -- while Mrs. A did some freelance work. After coming home I went for a 5er yesterday (5.3 actually, in 42 minutes). It was a beautiful afternoon and I enjoyed this run as well. These have not been my fastest runs but my legs feel good and my wind is decent -- I'm looking forward to a productive winter and hoping to take advantage of the cooler (colder) temps to build up my mileage.

I'd like to make sure to give my thanks and deepest respect to our veterans who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice to defend this country and all for which it stands.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Great post. I love the integration of the links. It's also good to see the transition into the 4 - 5 mile range as your new standby distance.