Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Injury Report

The ankle is healing. I'm on it and using it a frequently and strenuously. I worked outside a bunch last weekend -- I bundled it up in the air cast and tied it inside of a boot and it treated me pretty well while I raked etc. It was tender in the evenings.
I've dropped the air cast and am now only wrapping it in an Ace Bandage. I think the air cast was hurting more than helping, and bruising the bone a bit; it also gave me a rash . . . itchy and sort of gross.

My hope was to go running this weekend but I'm not sure it will happen -- I crossed a street yesterday by running/moving briskly in the crosswalk and it hurt . . . so, we'll see. It's good that I can walk, work and move around with only minor pain, running may be too much of a pounding, but I'll make the call on Sunday which is the day I'd planned to take it for a spin -- probably only a couple of miles, but I really want to get back out there.