Tuesday, November 20, 2007

On the Shelf and Thanks

Hey guys, thanks for your kind words. We're all doing well, my uncle's funeral is over and life continues. I'm going to commit myself to be there in some way for his son -- I can't imagine being 17, getting ready to graduate from HS, and losing your father.

I'm currently on the shelf with my bum ankle . . . it's healing, and I'm actually finding that being on it, though leaving it tender and sore at the end of the day, is helping it to get better because it feels more flexible and the swelling is not as great as it had beeen when I was ensconced on the couch. One thing helping recovery is that I've been icing it a ton at night. I've perfected my ice method -- one side for 30 minutes, then the other, and repeat for 2 hours. I think I'll be on the shelf for a couple of weeks which is a bummer because I was having some amazing runs, and the run when I hurt myself was no exception. I've been having some intense, emotional runs and the workouts have been very mentally and emotionally cathartic. I can't wait to get back to it. As far as your comment about "life interweaving our posts" VTR, we've woven running etc. into each of our lives -- we carry our life with us every time we run and running provides a time to reflect.

Thanks again, gentlemen, your support means a lot. Happy Thanksgiving, we've got much for which to be thankful.


VT Runner said...

Great post. Big post. Lots going on beyond running, but the running aspect and emotion is also getting stronger. Nice.

I've been officially off running since the marathon, and I'm getting the itch again. My break was planned. After all the training and the race itself, I knew I'd need the break to keep things fresh. I'm pleased that I'm missing the runs. The sport has become more of my identity, and I hear that in you Agricola. As I said, it's all very cool.

There's a turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning in Hingham. I'll be running with my sister and brother-in-law, who will be in town for the holiday for the first time in years, and the very first time since they got hitched. They live in Seattle, so I'm looking forward to connecting on the course.

Any takers for the run? It's a 5K and starts at the high school.

Enjoy your turkey boys.

VT Runner said...

Great post. Big post. Lots going on beyond running, but the running aspect and emotion is also getting stronger. Nice.

I've been officially off running since the marathon, and I'm getting the itch again. My break was planned. After all the training and the race itself, I knew I'd need the break to keep things fresh. I'm pleased that I'm missing the runs. The sport has become more of my identity, and I hear that in you Agricola. As I said, it's all very cool.

There's a turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning in Hingham. I'll be running with my sister and brother-in-law, who will be in town for the holiday for the first time in years, and the very first time since they got hitched. They live in Seattle, so I'm looking forward to connecting on the course.

Any takers for the run? It's a 5K and starts at the high school.

Enjoy your turkey boys.

VT Runner said...

Great post. Big post. Lots going on beyond running, but the running aspect and emotion is also getting stronger. Nice.

I've been officially off running since the marathon, and I'm getting the itch again. My break was planned. After all the training and the race itself, I knew I'd need the break to keep things fresh. I'm pleased that I'm missing the runs. The sport has become more of my identity, and I hear that in you Agricola. As I said, it's all very cool.

There's a turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning in Hingham. I'll be running with my sister and brother-in-law, who will be in town for the holiday for the first time in years, and the very first time since they got hitched. They live in Seattle, so I'm looking forward to connecting on the course.

Any takers for the run? It's a 5K and starts at the high school.

Enjoy your turkey boys.

VT Runner said...

There was obviously a glitch here. Sorry for the happy trigger finger...although I'm officially blaming blogspot.

Agricola said...

That's funny that the thing posted 3 times after the original . . . damn blogspot!

I'd have considered the TT in Hingham since we're heading to Marshfield, but the bum tire will preclude that, this year, and I'm bummed, I love running on Thanksgiving morning -- it's always got a great vibe and it's a great way to fight off the holiday weight gain! Good luck and enjoy, happy Thanksgiving.