Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Run with your butt

I went out for an 8 miler this morning before work. It's the first time I've done a weekday morning run in a long time. It was gorgeous.

I've been extremely tight in my calves, hammies, and legs in general during my training stint this year. I'm convinced it's because I'm 39, but a full-pro runner friend has me thinking it might have something to do with my technique. She randomly mentioned that I run with my calves and need to run with my butt. I'm not sure what that means, but I've been experimenting with longer strides, a different kick, and trying to push off with my butt instead of my calves. Random experimentation, really, and I'm not sure where I'll end up. I need to talk to her about this in more detail, and I'll share my results.

How about you? Any butt runners out there?


Agricola said...

I'd say yea on the butt running, the only times I focus my stride below the knees is when climbing hills, otherwise I work to keep the stride coming out of my hips and powering down my legs. There is a little calf whip and foot flex at the end to use my whole foot through the stride, but most of my running starts up high and cascades down. At least that's how I imagine it ;).

Brutal week, they are all brutal weeks now for some reason. Need to get out soon.

VT Runner said...

Thanks for that feedback. I have to try to figure it out. It makes sense that my calves hurt if I am in fact running through them.

Steve DiMattia said...

I like to look at butts when I run.

Agricola said...

Don't we all....

VT Runner said...

Looking at butts goes with pretty much any activity in my book.