Monday, April 26, 2010

Long weekend

This week was school vacation up here, so I took Friday off to get in some family time. I also managed to get in some runs. I did 5 on Friday, 3 on Saturday, and my long run of 21.6 on Sunday. (21.6 only because my loop is 10.6 and I couldn't figure out a way to cut out the extra.)

The long run was an interesting one for me. It was all about keeping injury at bay, not going too fast and just churning through the miles. Along the way, I stopped to stretch probably 5-6 times. It was the first time I've done that, and I found it to be hugely helpful. My legs felt refreshed after every stretching session, so I'll likely keep this as part of my long-run regimen.

I also ate differently on this one than I have during long runs in prior years. Usually, I have the Gatorade and Cliff Shots on board and I ration them out over the course. This time, I had an egg sandwich early, a banana just before my 11AM start, and carried water. At the halfway point (my house), I had a big chunck of banana bread and replenished my water. It worked out well, although I have to try more portable nourishment on my next run. I don't think banana bread will travel well on race day.

The big win for me was that I finished strong. My goals for the marathon are:
1. Go out slow (and stay slow)
2. Finish strong
3. No injuries
4. Sub-four

On Sunday, I constantly monitored my speed and forced myself to ease up instead of taking off when I hit a groove. I paid attention to every twinge and tweak, and slowed or adjusted to try to find relief. As a result, I actually did finish strong. The last mile to my house is a series of steep down/up hills which are brutal on the legs. I chanted "strong legs, strong legs" down the first hill and actually felt strong. I finished with long strides and way less pain then I had during last week's 18 miler. It was cool to see how holding back really can pay off in the end. Hopefully, I can overcome adrenaline and take this approach to marathon day.


Agricola said...

Yep, slow but slow is the way to go. I still have it in my head that I can do a sub-4, but I need to not freak out start stringing together a whole mess of 8:15s in the middle miles that leave me burnt at 18-20. Nines all the way is my goal, and I think I can do it...

My left side muscles are much more sore than my right, and I'm not sure why. Thoughts?

VT Runner said...

Did you accidentally slip on one of your 6" heels?

I think you probably just tweaked something somewhere and compensated with your left side.

I'm with you on the nines...probably slower to start.

Agricola said...

Could be, but my right side feels fine. Quads into groin are sore. Back on the road tomorrow. You're right, 9s or slower in the early stages, leave something in the tanks. A 4 hr marathon = 9.16 minutes/mile which is something like 9:10/mile so, a 9:09 mile gets you in under 4 --
3:59:45 ;).

VT Runner said...

I wonder if the pain has something to do with the grade on the roads. We're you always on the same side of the road?

Agricola said...

That could be, I tend to be a right side of the road runner. My left leg was definitely more sore after Eastern States 20 and that was a definite reason... Thanks for connecting those dots for me and reminding me of that. I hope that you guys can do the 20 on 5/8 -- I'm lining up some other folks to run parts of it, so we might have a rotating cast of running buddies!

Bennu, you in? Phat? FA, you want to come up and run a chunk? C'mon boys, and girls. Run all, run parts. It'll be fun (in a painful sort of way that many physical accomplishments are).