Thursday, April 23, 2009

Run 22

Out again this morning for another quickie, 25 minutes in the Park. I entered at 96th Street today and immeidately headed uptown on the Park Drive, taking the Great Hill in reverse. Felt good, blah blah blah. It was a beautiful morning, 48 degrees and clear. There were other runners out in the Park but not too many. I am starting to like the morning run. The issue is, to go longer I have to get out earlier, which is tough on Mrs. FA since I usually run the littlest FA's morning routine. (She can be tough about dressing, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, etc.) So, this is something to work on.

I've been focusing on hitting my schedule this week, one run at a time, and today was the 4th run in 6 days. Not too concerned about distance at this point. Aiming for another shorty before leaving the city tomorrow (Friday).

Peace, fellas.


Bennu Runner said...

Good to see you getting back out there. I'm in the same boat as you. Just trying to get back into a routine with some short distances without regard for time.

VT Runner said...

I think we're all in that boat. Good work.