Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get out the oil can...

First post 2007.

My weight has fluctuates more than the Dow Jones Industrial Average (222.5lbs on 4.28.2005 down to a lithe 168.5 lbs. on 9.02.06 and back to a corpulent 202.5 2.28.07.) Problem is I don't pay dividends and I can't sell short.

Time to recalibrate.

2/28/07 - two months until my 36th birthday. Let's get back to respectability, shall we?

3o minutes Sole Elliptical trainer Level 4. It's a start.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Welcome aboard!

I'm not even going to get into the weight thing right now excpet to say that I was told to drop some . . .

Tough to get old(er).