Friday, September 11, 2009

Run To Remember

I know I've said this a million times: we ran the Brooklyn Promenade about 30 minutes before the planes hit the towers. The attacks were underway as we ran. The day was crystalline. I've run every September 11 since that day with one exception when I was sick. I headed out today, late afternoon, in a drizzle. I did 3.3 miles. I don't know how fast.

I run in honor of the dead and hope to honor them thusly as long as I can.

I say this each year, more or less. It does not change for me. It is immutable. September 11 is a major motivator of my running. I'm sure there is some crazy psychological thing tied up with this but I feel that as long as I run I honor the memory of all of those who died.

1 comment:

Steve DiMattia said...

Nothing crazy about it. Good.