Monday, December 17, 2007

Test Run

I went out Saturday for about 21 minutes. I covered somewhere between 2 and 2.25 miles. I had fully intended on doing something short and slow like this and it was probably a good decision. The ankle was pretty sore through the first half, but started feeling better on the return. It was tender afterwards as well, but nothing major to report. It was in decent shape on Sunday which was good because I was outside shoveling for about two hours. I was thinking about going today, but yesterday's workout and the fact that the world was an ice sheet today canceled those thoughts.

When running on level ground the ankle feels OK. As soon as the surface gets uneven or bumpy, or goes up or down a hill it's sore. Running in conditions such as we're experiencing now is always dicey, and even more so on a balky ankle. I lost more than a little conditioning and leg strength during my hiatus, which is a bummer, but both will come back. It was good to get out and felt good, mentally. I enjoyed the motion and was also happy to have overcome inertia.

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