Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Late Three

I hit the gym late night tonight and got in a great workout. Mrs. VTR was very supportive of me breezing in at home at 6:30, spending an hour with the kids, and then heading out to the gym at 7:30. Without spousal support, workouts wouldn't even be a glimmer to me, and based on the blog you guys are in the same boat. Yes! to the ladies.

Anyway, I got in a good three on the treadmill, followed by about 25 minutes of weight work on the shoulders, back and chest. It felt good to work hard, and even better to have done it after work, which is when I am usually pretty much worthless. (Could it have something to do with the fact that I taste-tested a bunch of new coffees between 3:00 and 4:00 today? Hmmm....)

Now the goal is to get on a schedule with Mrs. VTR, so we can both get our workouts in. You'll see how that goes right here.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

yep. lots of planning goes into working out.