Thursday, July 23, 2009


on the board. My fault as much as anyone else's. Been running 2-3 times a week in the morning between 3-5 miles. Pace is starting to get better, upper 8's. Avg HR coming down, 160ish. Feeling much better with only a slight ache in the chronic ankle. Mixing in a 25 mile ride on the weekends as well. Will probably keep the same schedule for the rest of the summer and pick it up a notch in the fall. Anyone else out there?

1 comment:

Steve DiMattia said...

Yep. Just got in from the second run in my preparation fo rhe ADK 1/2 marathon. I took a LONG break after the two races in May, trying to climb back on the horse with a big goal. Good to see you running steady. Envious re: the cycling, would love to do that regular but haven't made the time. Peace,