Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday run

My 1st run post NYC was pretty decent one overall - 8:32 pace, mile splits fairly even, and the out-and-back route had a good amount of hills to keep me working hard.

I am going to work on lengthening my stride a bit, even a small increase might improve my speed as all of those steps with extra distance add up, even if just a fraction of time. Also going to keep my back upright more, I have a tendency to lean forward, head down, when I tire and will try to keep my shoulders back and run with a straighter, more proper gait..

So next up is the Roxbury Marathon in CT on Saturday, December 11th. I am approaching this as a hilly training run in preparaton for Miami at the end of January - so of course I want a good time, but I am running this small backroads race to keep my marathon streak alive and challenge myself on what I understand is a tough, tough course.

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