Friday, March 21, 2008

Lots of Thinking

So . . . I've been sitting around a lot and thinking. Not running much, not motivated to do so even though I've got 26.2 miles all at once, in my future. I get bursts of motivation but they fade. See, I'm in a weird spot: I'm between gigs; Mrs. A is busy as anything so I'm being Mr. Mom and there is no rhythm, for me anyway to the domestic day. I am definitely a creature of habit, and rhythm. I need badly to get back to work, to eat up some time and get me on a schedule again so that I use my time more wisely.

As far as motivation, I'm not sure what my issue is. I think it's tied into the out- of-work-thing. It's draining to be unemployed and even if I'm not spending all day job searching it's always in my head and it's exhausting. I've got a couple of really good leads and I'm hopeful that I can nail something down, soon. Also on the motivation front something hit me last evening after returning from a meeting: I'm tired of my current state of running mediocrity. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I've been licking the lollipop of mediocrity a bit too much and I'm on the verge of sucking. I can't have that. I'm going out today when Mrs. A gets back from her meeting -- three or four, just to get out. It's cold and the wind is honking (to use an old sailing term), but I'll get something in.

I also just read a post on a blog that I discovered today (through another blog I follow) called the Art of Manliness. The article is the Warrior's Guide to True Manliness, and it's terrific -- read the article, but here are the paragraph heading from the four meat-of-the-article paragraphs:

  • Master Your Body

  • Use Death as your Guide

  • Choose the Path with Heart

  • Fight Every Battle as if it was Your Last

I'm looking for anything that I can right now, and this seems like a pretty good start. Thanks for hearing me out, I'm just trying to get my head on straight and get into this again.


VT Runner said...

My calf still hurts.

Agricola said...

My ankle still hurts . . . but I just did 3.3.